Today is the holiday I look forward to the most: Halloween aka Samhain. It's my one day to dress like the person I wish I could be for a few hours, drink and dance like a fool (a sexy fool, of course!) So in honor I'd like to present some of my favorite scary movies!
1. Interview with the Vampire. This is actually my favorite movie ever made, and has been since I was twelve (I still had five years to go until I was "old" enough to watch it.) It is (loosely) based off of Anne Rice's novel of the same name. She is also my most favorite author of all time, and I would break down crying if I ever met her.
So just this morning I finished the second round of edits for the Harrowing, but I'm *still* not done. Still! I have to format, add a prologue, somehow get a cover made and who knows what other little steps there are. I started writing last year during Christmas break so this has taken me nearly a year. I have two sequels still to write; this is turnng into a very long process. But it's been rewarding; getting to use my imaginatin and creativity is fantastic.
That said *deep breath* here is an excerpt from chapter one. This is the first time I've ever put it online. *cringes* Be gentle.
A few nights ago I wrote the last words of the epilogue in the Harrowing. "I wouldn't lose him again." The moment I was finished, I was like, Oh that's it! That's the end! And wasn't. I rewrote the last two paragraphs. And I still felt like it wasn't quite right, but that's what editing is for! Which is where I am now. Each chapter has been edited once, but lightly. Now I'm getting round 2 started and it's a lot more tedious. It's a constant refining, which is good because it helps the story flow better, and make more sense. It keeps the story simple. Or simpler, anyway. Even after this round, I'll do at least one more, then formatting. Then...putting on Amazon as an e-book. Paperback? I'd prefer it, but it costs so much more.